
A "Diabetes Education Program" was Organized by the Faculty of Nursing at the Bartın Provincial Directorate of National Education

Date: 31.03.2023


The Nursing Department faculty members of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Bartın University attended the "Diabetes Education Program" held at the Bartın Provincial Directorate of National Education, specifically for school/institution administrators and guidance teachers. The opening speech of the program was made by the Provincial Directorate of National Education Health Services Officer, Mrs. Bahriye ÇELEBİ ERBACAK. In education, respectively, Res. Ass. Necmiye ÇÖMLEKÇİ gave a presentation on “Let's Recognize Diabetes and Manage it Correctly”, Lecturer Dr. Emine ÜSTÜN GÖKÇE made a presentation on “Diabetes Treatment and Care in School-Age Children and Diabetes Emergency Situations”, and Assoc. Dr. Hilal UYSAL gave a presentation on, “Healthy Nutrition and Physical Activity and Its Importance in Diabetes”.

The training took place with the intense participation of approximately 150 school and institution administrators and guidance teachers. Participants' questions were answered. We want to thank Bartın Provincial Directorate of National Education and valuable participants for their invitation to carry out the training program.