
BARÜ was among the best in the world in its 15th year

In the 15th year of its establishment, Bartın University (BARÜ) ranked 563rd in the 'Research Quality' category in the Times Higher Education (THE) 2024 World University Rankings, and managed to enter the 1001-1200 band in the general rankings and became the 12th best university in Turkey.

Times Higher Education (THE), one of the world's most well-known higher education rating organizations, announced the "World University Rankings 2024", which is based on the data of 1,904 universities that meet a certain standard internationally. In the ranking in which universities are evaluated academically according to 5 different basic criteria, Bartın University (BARÜ) was among the most successful higher education institutions in the world.

BARÜ ranked 12th in Turkey and in the 1001-1200 band in the world

BARÜ showed great success by ranking in the 1001-1200 band, despite the increase in the number of universities evaluated every year. BARÜ, which ranked 563rd among the world's top 1000 universities in the 'Research Quality' category, showed an unprecedented performance in its first ranking.

By looking at the performance of the past 5 years, BARÜ ranked 12th among the 75 higher education institutions in Turkey that were ranked in the evaluations made with data obtained from the education-training, research environment, research quality, industry and international outlook categories of the institutions.

“With a labor-intensive effort, we are making progress that we can be proud of.”

Expressing his happiness that the successes achieved as a university are reflected in the indicators of international rating institutions, BARÜ Rector Prof. Dr. Orhan Uzun said, “We offer the innovative knowledge we put forward with our scientific studies, qualified publications and research with high technological impact to the service of humanity. We work with labor-intensive effort and continue our journey to the future with our international successes and business partnerships. I believe that our place in this ranking, which we have entered considering the past 5 years, will rise much higher in the coming years. "I congratulate all our components, including the BARÜ family, including our students, graduates, academic and administrative human resources, who contributed to this process, and I wholeheartedly believe that our success will increase exponentially in the coming periods."

"We carry our achievements to the future with the mission of 'Productive University'"

Rector Uzun stated that they are walking determinedly towards their goals with a sustainable recovery and said, “All components of the Bartın University family are walking with determined steps towards the future. In this process, we have managed to become a higher education institution that not only transfers but also produces knowledge. Our current goal is to build on this development and transfer it to the future. With these thoughts, I would like to express my gratitude to our Minister of Justice, Mr. Yılmaz Tunç, who always motivates us in our walk towards the future by always being with us. Our President of YÖK, Prof., for their support in our quality-oriented journey, in which we strive for a sustainable development goal. Dr. I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Erol Özvar and our YÖK members. We would also like to thank our Bartın Governor, Dr. "I would also like to thank Mr. Nurtaç Arslan," he said.

THE World University Rankings 2024

Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings is a performance indicator that evaluates research-focused universities in terms of all their core missions (education, research environment, research quality, industry and international outlook). The organization evaluates the performances of universities in the last 5 years; It carries out one of the most comprehensive analyzes respected by students, academics, university administrations, business world and governments.
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