
The symposium on "Digitization, Health, and Nursing" was held at our faculty.

A symposium on "Digitalization, Health and Nursing" was held on May 16, 2024 in cooperation with the Department of Nursing of our Faculty and Healthy Steps Club and Women and Leadership Club, one of the Student Clubs of our University.
In her opening speech, Faculty Vice Dean Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Elif İŞLEK drew attention to the rapid digital transformation all over the world with the advancement of technology and its impact on health services. Emphasizing that nurses play an important role in serving human health from birth to death and raising the health of society, İŞLEK stated that nurses should closely follow the changing world, technological developments and digital transformation in order to provide better quality, efficient and effective care with a patient-oriented, holistic approach. He stated that there is a need for more research and experience sharing in order to follow the developments in this field and to integrate them into evidence-based nursing care and hoped for a pleasant, productive and interactive symposium.
Assist. Assist. Prof. Dr. Simge ÖZTÜRK and Assist. Assist. In the first session chaired by Lecturer Dr. Simge ÖZTÜRK and Research Assistant Hilal BÜYÜKTOPAÇ ÇAKICI, Fırat University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Obstetrics, Women's Health and Diseases Nursing Lecturer Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Nurdilan ŞENER ÇETİN in her presentation titled "Digitalization in Improving Women's Health"; explained the solutions offered by digital technologies in monitoring, protecting and improving women's health, the positive effects of digitalization on women's health, innovative applications and what awaits us in the future, and the importance of the opportunities offered by digital tools to improve women's health. Sivas Cumhuriyet University Suşehri School of Health, Department of Nursing, Department of Nursing, Department of Nursing Faculty Member Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Hümeyra HANÇER TOK in her presentation titled "Digitalization and Nursing from the Perspective of Public Health Nursing"; explained the importance of digitalization in public health nursing, its role in protecting and improving public health, and its contributions to enabling nurses to effectively monitor and intervene in social health problems with digital tools such as electronic health records and tele-health services.  Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Sports Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports Education, Department of Physical Education and Sports Education lecturer Assist. Assist. Semih KARAMAN, in his presentation titled "Sleep Studies and Digitalization", explained the importance of sleep health, sleep disorders and the effects of digital tools on sleep monitoring and improvement, how digital technologies can be used in raising awareness about sleep health and managing sleep disorders.
Faculty of Health Sciences Vice Dean Dr. Assist. Prof. Dr. Sibel ALTINTAŞ, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, emphasized how the health sector has improved in diagnosis, treatment and post-treatment processes with the effect of digitalization. Stating that tele-health, mobile health and digital hospital applications have become widespread thanks to digitalization in health, ALTINTAŞ thanked all our professors and the organizing team who will contribute to this symposium where the effects of digitalization, which is used so much in the health system, on nursing will be discussed. Lecturer. Assist. Prof. Dr. Simge ÖZTÜRK and Assist. Assist. Prof. Dr. Serdar SARITAŞ, a faculty member at Malatya Turgut Özal University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Department of Medical Biology, in his presentation titled "Space Nursing"; He talked about the definition and importance of space nursing, employment opportunities, according to space nurses, powers and responsibilities, basic principles of space nursing, health problems encountered and how digital technologies are used in this field, and the difficulties encountered in providing health services in space missions. In her presentation titled "Digitalization and Violence", Prof. Dr. Sermin TİMUR TAŞHAN, a faculty member at Malatya İnönü University Faculty of Nursing, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing, talked about the role of digital technologies in the prevention, detection and intervention of violence, how digitalization can be used in combating violence and the steps that can be taken to create a safer digital environment. In her presentation titled "Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Care", Prof. Dr. Behice ERCİ, a faculty member at Malatya İnönü University Faculty of Nursing, Department of Public Health Nursing, gave information on how artificial intelligence can be integrated into nursing care, how it can support the daily practices of nurses and its effects on patient outcomes, understanding the use of artificial intelligence in nursing, and providing more effective and human-oriented care.
The symposium, which was followed with great interest, was followed by questions and answers and then souvenir photos were taken in memory of the day.
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