
Lecturer Ebru CİRBAN EKREM at our Faculty, has been awarded support from TÜSEB within the scope of her doctoral thesis.

                                                                                       Published Date: 03.06.2024

Preconception Health Knowledge and Attitude of University Students: A Randomized Controlled Study," conducted by Lecturer Ebru CİRBAN EKREM from Bartın University (BARÜ) Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Daşıkan from Ege University Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Women’s Health and Diseases Nursing, has been supported under the "TÜSEB (Turkish Health Institutes Presidency) Emergency Research and Development Projects Support Program Group A Emergency R&D Project Call." Nowadays, due to social reasons such as the increase in educational, job, and career opportunities, or medical reasons such as the rise in the use of assisted reproductive techniques, individuals are experiencing difficulties in having children. This project will focus on final-year undergraduate students who are in the process of making important decisions about reproduction and having children in line with their education, job, and career opportunities. It aims to determine and improve the knowledge and attitude levels of final-year undergraduate students regarding reproduction and preconception care. The information obtained will be analyzed in detail. Detailed reports prepared within the scope of the study will be presented to TÜSEB and relevant institutions. We congratulate our faculty member and wish her continued success.

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