
On November 14, World Diabetes Day, a "Diabetes Awareness" event was organized for the community

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Current data published by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) on the prevalence of diabetes show that there are approximately 7 million diabetics between the ages of 20-79 in Turkey, which corresponds to approximately 15% of the total adult population. Diabetes, one of the most common chronic diseases in our country, negatively affects the health of individuals, their families, and society. Every year, November 14 is celebrated as a World Diabetes Day. In this context, the Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing and Bartın State Hospital, and Provincial Health Directorate organized the World Diabetes Day event. At the stand established at Bartın State Hospital, blood glucose was measured to create diabetes awareness in society. In addition, individual training, including healthy lifestyle habits in diabetes prevention, blood glucose measurement, nutrition, and exercise in life with diabetes, were provided, and the questions of the participants were answered. The event lasted approximately four hours and 133 people participated.

We would like to thank the Provincial Directorate of Health, Bartın State Hospital Management, and Diabetes Education Nurse who supported us in our event, and the valuable participants who participated throughout the event.

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