
Trainings for the Dissemination of Quality Culture were organized in our faculty.

Assoc. Prof. from our Faculty's Nursing Department on April 29, 2024 for the students of our Faculty's Nursing Department. Dr. Ayfer ÖZTÜRK and Lecturer. Eda KES. "Training on Being a Quality Ambassador for Higher Education Students" and "Training on the Role of Students in Creating a Quality Culture in Higher Education" were given by Eda KES. Within the scope of education, program accreditation process, who is a quality ambassador and how to become a quality ambassador?, How can I take part in the YÖKAK student commission? How can I become a YÖKAK board student?, How can I take part in international umbrella organizations?, the importance of gaining experience in internal and external quality assurance processes in the quality ambassador journey, the benefits of students' participation in quality assurance processes in higher education, the benefits of students, quality assurance processes, higher education institutions and our country were touched upon. In addition, it was stated that creating a quality culture in education is a complex process that requires the participation and cooperation of all stakeholders. In this process, the importance of basic elements such as leadership, research and development, education and social contribution was emphasized.

  • Peer Mentoring Promotion Event was Organised for the Nursing Department Students of our Faculty

  • Orientation Trainings for First-Year Students of Our Faculty for the 2024-2025 Academic Year Held.

  • An Academic General Assembly Meeting of our Faculty was held on September 23, 2024

  • Evidence Collection Training in Quality Processes Conducted

  • The invention of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hilal UYSAL, faculty member of the Nursing Department of our faculty, has been patented.

  • Decision Report Form Training was held in our faculty within the scope of Quality Processes.

  • ‘Human Psychology and Communication Training’ was held at the Faculty of Health Sciences.

  • Our Faculty Staff Gathered for the Holiday Celebration.

  • On June 13, 2024, the Academic General Assembly Meeting was held at our Faculty.

  • A Meeting Was Held with Our Faculty's Assistant Professors